Transaction Line Categories

Each transaction in any Tourplan financial transaction can be made up of many lines. For example, an invoice for $100.00 with only one line in it, could in fact have several (unseen) lines in it which make up the total. At a simple level it could be just a Value Line = $86.96 and a Tax Line = $13.04 for a total $100.00. There could be a Commission Line which could also involve a Tax on Commission Line.

These lines are generally only visible when transactions are viewed in the Transaction Audit screens. A full list of Line Categories and a brief description of them is listed here.

Category Description Ledger
ALA Allocated Cash Applied Debtors
ALB Allocated Cash Balance Debtors
COM Agent Commission Debtors
FCH Future Cash Debtors
FCM Future Commission Debtors
FCT Future Commission Tax Debtors
FET Future Expense Tax Creditors
FEX Future Expense Creditors
FRT Future Revenue Tax Debtors
FRV Future Revenue Debtors
FXV Forex Variation Debtors & Creditors
JCR Journal Credit General Ledger
JDR Journal Debit General Ledger
TAX Tax Debtors & Creditors
TOC Tax on Commission Debtors
VAL Value Debtors & Creditors